
TankVac 30 gal Stainless Fork Tines

Spillrite Ireland can manufacture a variety of vacuum tanks from 15 gallons up to 220 gallons.
Sales price £4,730.00


Tank vacs can be manufactured in;

  • Mild steel
  • Alloy
  • Stainless steel

Tank vacs can be used as a capture tank, a vacuum tank, a cyclone tank and a spill tank.

All alloy Tank Vacs are reinforced to provide strength and stability while under vacuum.

Alloy tank internal reinforced

Tank vacs can be fitted with a variety of options. Below a standard alloy tank vac is fitted with a cyclonic separator for the recovery of light dry waste.

CYCLONE Waste tank 110 1000

spillmaster dimensions

Spillmaster SuperPumpOut110

30 gallon alloy tank fitted with twin Super Pump out rapid fluid recovery vacuum units with reverse capabilty

Possibile options - add pneumatic power source to tank vac - Call for price

Tank110 Spav combo text

1.Cyclone power intake
2. Power connection hose
3. Chrome wand set
4. Anti-static suction hose
5. Brush floor tool
6. Fork tines and castors
7. 460mm wide trap
8. 30 gallon / 110 kg alloy tank
9. Suction hose
10. Anti-static cyclone
11. SPAV EX vacuum
12. 38mm wand set
13. 15 gallon / 60 litre stainless tank
14. Squeegee floor tool
15. Trolley base
16. 3/4” air coupling


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About Us

Spillrite manufactures and sells pneumatic industrial vacuums for all types of wet and dry waste.

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Spillrite owns and operate this website. The principles of Spillrite have been involved in the vacuum industry for over 14 years selling to large industrial, agricultural, mining, marine and offshore companies. Our range of vacuums include pneumatic, electric, PD blowers and a wide range of custom built units for many applications.

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